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On Call 24 Hours a Day, 365 Days a Year: "In case of an emergency dial 911"


The volunteer and career staff of Central Bucks EMS is dedicated to providing emergency medical services day and night for the residents, businesses and visitors of our community. All this we provide as a private, charitable, not for profit, IRS 501 (c) 3 corporation. Your donation is 100% tax-deductible to you. We depend on your donations and subscriptions to keep our service available. We now ask for your help! We depend on these membership subscriptions, donations and billable services to continue providing our professional services to this community.


Billing Q&A

If you'd like more information on how we bill, please look at our Billing Frequently Asked Questions.


For more information please call: 215-348-3343


Family Subscription covers: $100 per year

All adults residing and any children under age 18 in the household.


Individual Subscription Covers: $75 per year

Single- an individual living by themselves OR a child over 18 still living with their parents. Keep in mind, if you do not have current insurance, becoming a subscriber is a good idea. However, it will not cover 100% of your bill. Being a subscriber will only cover 1/2 of your entire bill, should you not have medical insurance. If you do have insurance, it is still a good idea to become a subscriber; as it will prevent you from being billed for any costs that your insurance carrier will not cover.


Our Special Thanks

Central Bucks EMS would like to Thank-you for your support over the past years. Your continued generosity enables us to provide the finest emergency care available today.

Pay for your subscription online

#1) Look for the 'Reference No.' that's above your address on the mailed subscription form.

Reference Number.jpg

#2) Use this for the 'RUN #' on the form.

#3) Click the Subscriptions button below to pay online!

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